Cupolex Slab, Dubbo (2015)

Cupolex Slab, Dubbo (2015)Cupolex Slab, Dubbo (2015)

Where: 5 Tweed Place, Macquarie View Estate, Dubbo NSW

When: March 2015

Setting up for a slab has just become a whole lot safer, easier, cost effective and environmentally friendly. There is no reason not to use the Cupolex system over waffle pods! The slab pictured was set up by 2 experienced concreter’s in less than half a day.

 Concrete World Industries can supply you with all the plastic, steel and pods. Builder's will be surprised at the materials and labour savings.


Send us your plans today for an obligation free tender drawing and quote. 

Here is what they had to say:

“I’ll never use waffle pods again”.

Ben Gibbs


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